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June 24, 2021

Ways To Protect Your Rental Property In Philadelphia

Whether your leasing the the family lake house or you own an array of investment properties, you understand that it can be challenging to protect a rental property in Philadelphia. If it’s not occupied, your unit may be a prime target for a burglar or vandal. In the event you have renters, you also must keeping people safe.

Including solutions like 24-hour monitoring and home automation, here are several proven methods to assist in the protection of your Philadelphia rental property.

Defend Your Rentals With Home Security Monitoring

One of the best deterrents against rental or vacation property damage is installing a monitored security system. Your guests can sleep easy if they have protection against prowlers, primarily when Philadelphia is unknown to them. In the event a burglar attempts to break in, your advanced alarm system will contact your monitoring professionals at ADT while the high-decibel alarm rouses all people within the home. You can even get an alert to your phone when a surveillance camera identifies a potential burglar.

ADT smartlock on a Philadelphia home

Advanced Keypad Locks Make It Easier To Rotate Renters

When a renter vacates your property, you have to ensure they don’t retain entry to your property. If they took or copied a key, then they could potentially re-enter your home. To counteract this concern, you might switch out your locks each time a lease ends or have smart locks installed that work with your security system. With smart locks, you can allocate each occupant a custom code that will expire once they leave. If past occupants return and try an old key code, you will get an alert sent to your phone.

Automation Protects Your Rental Property In Philadelphia -- Even When You’re Not Home

When you have a rental or vacation property in Philadelphia, you you still have to ensure it’s protected, including when there’s nobody there. The best way to do that is to give an appearance that that people are present. By linking your home security system to automation devices like lighting, entertainment systems, and climate control, your unit will always appear occupied. Program certain light bulbs to turn on at different times of the night and play music for a few hours, and a curious prowler will quickly reconsider their plans. With home automation with your security system, you are able to program devices with a convenient smartphone application.

Protecting Your Rental Property In Philadelphia Is Easier With Customized Home Security

The benefits of advanced home security for real estate investors are countless: integrated automation, 24-7 monitoring, and smart keypad door locks are a few highlights of what you can expect. Reach out to Secure24 Alarm Systems and our experts will help you customize an ADT protection plan that makes sense for your rental. Call (215) 798-2927 or fill out the form below to request service.